Committee of Chemicals and Schedules Waste Management is responsible in helping the UMP’s Occupational Safety & Health Committee (JKKP UMP) to manage chemical safety (Cradle to Grave) in UMP. The committee has organized several activities in 2017.
In order to comply with Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005, a staff from Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering (FKKSA) has attended a training to acquire Scheduled Wastes Manager competency. This staff has passed the examination and in the process of completing Field Training Report to acquire full competency.
A training in safe handling of scheduled wastes has been conducted at FKKSA on 3 February 2017 for representatives from all Responsibility Centers in UMP. Training was conducted by Mr. Mohd Hafiz with the aims to provide information concerning safe operation of scheduled wastes especially related to labeling and storage. Participants also has been given practical training on how to handle scheduled wastes.
In addition, this committee has also been responsible for scheduled wastes management in UMP. On 22 February 2017, scheduled wastes that has been collected from several laboratories in UMP Gambang has been sent for disposal by qualified contractors, Urban Environmental Industries Sdn Bhd. This process is carried out twice a year to comply with legal requirements as well as to ensure our environment is protected.
A visit by representatives from OSHMO & FKKSA to scheduled wastes contractors, Urban Environmental Industries Sdn Bhd has been conducted on 23 May 2017. The aim of the visit is to assess compliance of the waste disposal contractor to related regulation. In addition to inspections, this visit is also intended to provide a clearer picture on how scheduled waste disposal is conducted.
A training on safe handling of mercury-containing equipment was conducted on 15 May 2017 in UMP Gambang. The training was delivered by Dr Abdul Aziz Mohd Azoddein, FKKSA lecturers with extensive experience in the safe usage of mercury. The training was also attended by 45 representatives from schools around Kuantan and Pekan. This training focuses on the basic knowledge of mercury & how to handle mercury spillage in schools.Picture 1: Site visit during Scheduled Waste Handling Training
Picture 2: Safe Handling of Mercury-containing equipment by Dr Aziz
Picture 3: Demonstration of Mercury Spillage Handling