8 Campus Sustainability Initiative Campaigns

8 Campus Sustainability Initiative Campaigns

eposter kempen green 08


The university’s education and research information provide basic information about the university’s policies and action in creating and supporting their students, academic and non-academic staff with sustainability awareness. This criterion also encourage UMPSA to report their sustainability activities, strategies, and target to our stakeholders. 

Sustainable courses/subjects are crucial for fostering a more informed, responsible, and capable generation that can lead and adapt to a rapidly changing world. Therefore UMPSA offered various sustainability subject and courses to promoting responsible citizenship and future job market, encouraging interdisciplinary thinking, enhancing critical and creative thinking and aligning with global goals. 

UMPSA constantly encourages its members to conduct sustainable research and activities related to ensure that all SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) agendas can be achieved by 2030. 

UMPSA has produce more than 300 scholarly publication on sustainability over the last 3 years.  

Over 3 years UMPSA has conduct over 500 sustainable events organize by the university and students organization/club.  

UMPSA sustainability website updated regularly and UMPSA Sustainability Report publish and can be access online. Sustainable Development Centre (SDC) is the dedicated team assign to observed and implementation all initiative on sustainability.

Despite being a Technical University, UMPSA also conducts cultural activities on campus as one way of fostering diversity and discipline among students. UMPSA actively collaborates with international partners related to international sustainability programs with more than 10 programs yearly and actively involved in community service locally 

Planning, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of university governance through the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) always become focus in UMPSA. Therefore, UMPSA has developed a comprehensive system to monitoring and evaluation of Research Grant Management. 


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