Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program
UMPSA provides formal programs covering all three scopes (Scope 1, 2, and 3) to reduce greenhouse emissions. Scope 1, 2 and 3 referring to list of greenhouse gas emission sources in UI Greenmetric Guideline The list of programs is as follows.
- Low Carbon City 2030 Challenge
- Renewable Energy Program
- Energy Efficient or Energy Saving Program
- Low Building Assessment
- Trees Planting Program
- Electric Vehicles, EV
- UMPSA Green Awareness Initiatives
- Awareness talk/sharing to UMPSA staffs & students
- Realtime Data Smart Meter for electrical power usage monitoring
Summary of the program as the table below:
Program |
Scope |
Emission Data |
Description |
Evidence |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Implementation of the UMPSA Green Policies
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Mobile combustion |
CO2 emission from mobility in 2023: List of activities: 1. E-Scooter in both campuses, Gambang and Pekan |
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Purchased electricity |
CO2 emission from electricity in 2023: List of activities: 1. Solar installation |
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Waste |
CO2 emission from waste in 2023: List of activities: 1. 3R Program (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) |
Implementation of the Green Campus Blue Print |
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Mobile combustion |
CO2 emission from mobility in 2023: List of activities: 1. Centralize parking |
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Purchased electricity |
CO2 emission from electricity in 2023: List of activities: 1. Biodiesel production |
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Waste |
CO2 emission from waste in 2023: List of activities: 1. EKSA Program 2. Go Green Competition |
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Purchased Waste |
CO2 emission from purchased waste in 2023: List of activities: 1. Water recycle from lake 2. Smart irrigation system 3. Rainwater Harvesting System | |
Implementation of UMPSA 25 Strategic Planning under Objective Strategic 5 |
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Mobile combustion |
CO2 emission from mobility in 2023: List of activities: 1. EV Bus and van 2. Low Carbon City 2030 Challenge | |
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Purchased electricity |
CO2 emission from electricity in 2023: List of activities: 1. Wind power 2. Hydro power |
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Commuting |
CO2 emission from commuting in 2023: List activities: 1. Shuttle bus using EV buses (1,353 CO2) |